Tots ages 0-3 $155
Kids ages 4-12 $230
Kids Hair+Make Up $25
Youth ages 13-17 $305
Adults 18+ $380
Adults Hair+Make Up $60
Tots includes 2 High Res fully edited Photos
Kids includes 3 High Res fully edited Photos
Youth includes 4 High Res fully edited Photos
Adults includes 5 High Res fully edited Photos
Promo Image Shoot including 3 edited headshots plus 3 model or creative shots as well as hair, make up and styling:
Kids / $350
Adults / $550
Please inquire for model test shoot and fashion shoot rates and packages.
Sabrina Bruns Photography is based in North Vancouver, Canada, however I am also available upon request to shoot on location world wide. For on location shoots please get in touch for more information. To book a session or inquire about my photography services please get in touch below! Thank you!